Immersion Assembly

Today for Immersion assembly we all found out that the whole school will be learning about different kinds of forces. (Pull, push, weight, thrust etc) we learned about some new forces, for example sound. Sound is the force my team will be learning about. All of my school got parts of the subject we were working on to work on for the rest of the term. Team 1 had Pull, push, thrust, team 2 had gravity, team 3 is learning about different simple machines,  team 4 was about Instructions and we were about our ears and sound.



My speech

18/24  🙂


My literacy class had just done doing speeches and after I managed to finish my one I got my score. It was 18/24, honestly I don’t think I did THAT bad overall. What I could work on though is not pausing while I’m reading my speech. I felt pretty good in the moment, I was pretty confident.  At the start everyone was pretty nervous, but (Not looking up on myself of course) I wasn’t really nervous. I was the 4th one to say my speech, but I was the first boy to go up and do it, at least that’s something to be proud of. I even got a complement from the teacher for my confidence.



Overall I felt good about my speech.



To have Empathy.

In Mana ako today we learnt the definition of empathy.

Definition: Empathy is similar to Sympathy the difference between the two is Empathy means that you can feel and understand the other person’s feelings. To have empathy means to be understanding despite the current circumstances that the other person is in. Empathy connects to putting yourself in other people’s shoes. This phrase is commonly used to describe what empathy means. Putting yourself in other people’s shoes basically just means to have empathy and care for the other person’s situation.